
From the Solid Waste & Recycling Newsletter. Help Protect Your Garbage & Recycling Workers from COVID-19

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and theSolid Waste Association of North America (SWANA) have both issued guidanceassociated with the Coronavirus and waste management.

Do your best to help protect your local garbage andrecycling workers who continue to serve as an essential function in ourcommunities and collect our waste on a weekly basis.

Best Practices

•             Tightlytie all garbage bags shut and place in your garbage tote.

•             Postponeyour spring cleaning to keep all of your garbage and recycling contained intheir collection totes.

Recycle Right

•             Do notput disposable gloves, masks or tissues in your recycling bin. Dispose of themproperly in the trash.

•             Do notrecycle medical sharps or syringes. Medical sharps or syringes should be put ina rigid plastic container, clearly labeled "sharps", sealed tightlyand placed in your garbage.

•             Do notbag your recycling. Place your recyclables loose in your curbside recyclingtote.

Collection Tote Maintenance and please just recycle Tin Cans, Alum Cans, Plastics #1 & #2 only.  NO BAGES.

•             Keep lidon your garbage and recycling totes to avoid littering

•             Wipe downyour collection totes, especially the handles and lids, once you put them atthe curb.

•             Ifneeded, rinse containers. Make sure all containers are empty and dry.

Show your appreciation for your local garbageand recycling workers by following the above rules.  We are all working to keep your streets safe and clean for you.